Hide “Download” option on documents right-click menu

Do you want to prevent people from downloading a copy of a document or spreadsheet from SharePoint? I’ve shown you previously how to hide the Download to Excel button in the ribbon. This is the next step in the evolution of keeping your users dialed back.

Hover over any document or spreadsheet for an elipsis (three little dots) that you can click on for more options.  “Download” is a standard menu item.


Using F12, I figured out the id for this section of code and then I wrote a super short script that will hide it for you.

To implement: just put the following code into a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) on the page in the Edit Source section.

<style type="text/css">
Posted in Office 365 by Doug.

Remove Left-Hand Nav on a List Form

Today I was asked to remove the left-hand navigation on the New Item form for a list in Office365. The form was opening in full-page mode, rather than the “modal dialog” format (aka “LightBox”) and was showing the site navigation on the left. The site owner did not want this.

This should also work on any other type of SharePoint page where you want to hide the left nav.

So I found this video which provided this excellent CSS code:

<style type="text/css">
/*      removes navigation content      */
display: none !important; 
width: 0px !important; 
margin: 0px !important;
/*      removes white space      */
margin-left: 0px !important;

Two important things to point out:
1. You’ll need to add a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) to the form page. Edit the web part, then select Edit Source from the ribbon, and paste in the code there.

Edit Source button from the Ribbon
Make sure to use the Edit Source feature

2. If you cannot edit the form page, append ?ToolPaneView=2 to the URL, which I wrote about previously.


Posted in Office 365 SharePoint 2013 by Doug.

Adjust / Modify Column Width in an Office365 List

Previously, I wrote about how to adjust the column width of a list in SharePoint 2010. However, none of that advice works in SharePoint Online. There is a ton of crazy information out on the web and most all of it is useless. I found this one suggestion by Vadivelu B. on a Microsoft forum to be just what I needed.

I suggest saving the below code to a text file, putting that text file in your site collection SiteAssets folder, and then it will be available for you to simply call from a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) that you add to any list page.

For this code, DisplayName is the column name. In the below example, this script sets the Comments column to 400 px. So obviously edit it for your situation.

<style type='text/css'>
width: 400px;
Posted in Office 365 by Doug.

Import Excel file into an Existing List

SharePoint offers the basic feature of importing a spreadsheet which will then become a brand new list. If any updates are made to the spreadsheet, you will either have to:

  • manually key in the updates to the list -or-
  • copy and paste the updates to the list using the DataSheet View or QuickEdit (depending on your version of SharePoint), -or-
  • delete the list and re-import the spreadsheet, thereby creating a new list every time

Alternatively, there is an add-in for SharePoint Online that allows you to import an Excel or CSV file into an existing SharePoint list.

Click here to go to the product page on the Microsoft App Store and add this cool add-in to your arsenal.

Posted in Office 365 SharePoint 2013 by Doug.

SharePoint Online (Office365) Starter Kit

There is now a “starter kit” available for your Office 365 SharePoint tenant (aka SharePoint Online or “SPO”).

It’s not just a site template but rather, it’s an entire solution featuring Modern page templates (not Classic), 17 custom web parts, 7 SharePoint framework extensions, and several other components – all customizable and ready-to-go.  Plus, it’s open source.

It’s a work-in-progress so check back on the Github site occasionally for updates.

Link -> https://github.com/SharePoint/sp-starter-kit

Posted in Office 365 by Doug.

Hide/Remove the “Export to Excel” button


Sometimes this button has got to go.

I have a user who doesn’t want to make edits in the SharePoint list.  He exports the list to Excel, makes his edits there, and then forces others to manually update the list with his edits.  No more.

I tried using F12 and writing CSS code to do the trick but it wasn’t working.  As usual, Google led me down many paths, most all of which were either over-the-top (write a solution in C# and deploy) or they just didn’t work.  I finally found the one that worked and I confess, I wouldn’t have written the code like that.  So I’m glad Wendy Li is smarter than I am.

Here’s the solution:

Edit the Page.  Add a Script Viewer web part, then paste in the following code:

<style type="text/css">
{  display:none;}

Posted in SharePoint 2013 by Doug.

Enable the Audit Log in Office 365

The Audit Log in Office 365 is disabled, by default, presumably to save disk space.

To enable the audit log in your tenant, in the Office 365 Admin Portal browse to the Security & Compliance Admin Center -> Search & investigation -> Audit log search. Click Start recording user and admin activities then click Turn On.

Or you can use this PowerShell command:

Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -UnifiedAuditLogIngestionEnabled $true

Source: TechNet

Posted in Office 365 by Doug.

When Edit Page is Not Available

Edit Page

Sometimes this option is missing.

To edit a page in SharePoint 2013 that does not have Edit Page menu option available (pictured above), such as the Access Requests page, append the following bold text to the url (start with and include the ?):


For my little task, I actually used the following url:


I added the part about the pageview=personal because I was putting in some suspect CSS in a Script Editor web part and I didn’t want to bring down the house, so I was just working with my personal view of this page.  However, you can go with pageview=shared or omit the pageview parameter altogether (and take your chances).

This brief article today simply expounds on a previous post I made in August, 2016 about this subject.

Posted in SharePoint 2010 by Doug.

Azure AD V2 PowerShell Module Released

For you Office 365 subscribers, as of today, the Azure Active Directory version 2 PowerShell module can be downloaded from the below site which also contains a full list of the cmdlets available.



Posted in Office 365 by Doug.

A Web Part you attempted to change is either invalid or has been removed by another user

I encountered the following error today in our SharePoint 2013 environment while simply trying to move a web part to another web part zone:

A Web Part you attempted to change is either invalid or has been removed by another user

Of course, I went to Google first and found several articles on the subject, none of which fixed the problem. Then I found out from the SQL DBA that the SQL transaction logs had filled up the drive on the SQL Server.  After the transaction logs were backed up and shrank, the error has gone away.

So add “check to see if you’re out of disk space on SQL” to the various remedies you pursue to resolve this issue.  It worked for us.

<sarcasm>And thanks to Microsoft for such a helpful error message.  </sarcasm>

Posted in SharePoint 2010 by Doug.

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