SharePoint 2010

Network Topology Add-In for Visio 2010

Posted by on March 16, 2012 at 10:19 am

Spence Harbar mentioned this topic on his blog briefly but I didn’t fully understand what he was talking about.  I thought it was simply an add-in to Visio 2010 for SharePoint-specific shapes to incorporate into my next SharePoint network topology Visio.  I could always use more cute and helpful shapes in my Shapes menu.   I […]

Another hidden feature: the user list

Posted by on March 15, 2012 at 6:20 pm

After finding the hidden “set up groups” page that was openly available in MOSS 2007, I was reminded of another feature from the past that’s now hidden, but available, in SharePoint 2010: the user list.   In a site collection or site, when you go to look at the Users, you are only given the various user […]

Setting up default groups in SharePoint 2010

Posted by on March 15, 2012 at 6:09 pm

In MOSS, you could use the “Set up groups” option within a site to create and assign the default Member, Owner, and Visitor groups. In 2010, the “Set up groups” link does not appear. The  “Set up Groups for this Site” page is hidden for SharePoint 2010.  You can still get to this page by […]

Integrating AD RMS with SharePoint 2010

Posted by on March 13, 2012 at 3:23 pm

After I finally got AD RMS up and running, the next task was then to integrate it with SharePoint 2010.  This seemed simple: 1.  Go into Central Admin in SharePoint 2010 on a Web Front End (WFE) Server, 2.  Click Security, 3. In the section Information Policy, click Configure information rights management, 4. Choose one of […]

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